Smart Talks with Jovan
What is Smart Talks?
Smart Talks with Jovan is international program of an open character.
The program consists of the seasons. Two seasons are shown annually, since one lasts for 6 months.
In each season, there are three guests, who are very respected, world- famous in the topic we are discussing.
Through individual interviews with each interlocutor and joint discussion during the webinar, we come to conclusions and proposals for concrete actions to improve the energy ecosystem…

Smart Homes
Smart Grid
Smart Cities
Smart Meter
Previous Seasons
Topic of the season:
Overview of Smart Metering Standards (in EU)
Mr. Ciril Kafol – network director of Electro Gorenska
Mr. Milan Kozole – chairman of the technical board DLMS
Mr. Dieter Brunner – former President of the IDIS association
Topic of the season:
Useful advice for a massive rollout
Mr. Joren Moelans – Technical lead for the smart meter roll-out at Fluvius
Mr. Marko Mismas – G3-PLC Alliance, Strategic Steering Committee Member
Mr. Nenad Medjeral – Chairman of the Technical Board of the IDIS Association
Topic of the season:
Smart metering the next step
Mr. Sergio Lazzarotto, President and Executive director at DLMS User Association
Mr. Roberto Zangrandi, Secretary General at E.DSO
Mr. Tomás Llobet, Managing Director at ESMIG
Topic of the season:
Multi-utility in pratice
Mr. Klemen Belec, Chair of Electrical Energy Smart Meter Sub Working Group at DLMS UA
Mr. Davy Michiels, Enterprise Architect AT Fluvius
Mr. Dieter Brunner, Former President at ESMIG
Topic of the season:
Smart Energy Management in Households
Mr. Istvan Papp, Professor at the Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad and VP Engineering at OBLO
Mr. Boris Turha, Senior Development Engineer at Technological Development Department at Elektro Ljubljana d.d.
Mr. Tomaz Dostal, Member of the Task Force “Next Generation Smart Metering” within the ESMIG working group and Head of the Strategic Engineering Management Team at Iskraemeco
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Meet our Moderator
Jovan Vujasinovic is versatile expert with almost 20 years of international experience in electronic and IT industry.
Specialist in the field of smart energy management, smart metering systems, as well as remote management of other measuring and industrial devices.
Along with his academic career, he also proved to be a successful entrepreneur and manager. He was the founder and CEO of Meter & Control, raising the company from the initial phase with one employee to the stage where the company has reached up 100 employees, was among the 5 companies in the world that owns the desired IDIS certificate, on the same level with the world’s leading manufacturers, and exported its own smart energy management products in the European union.
Today, he is the consultant in company management, business process optimization, creating business strategies and strategic marketing.